We usually observe two camps: The apathetic disaffected, who say "My vote doesn't matter," and the dedicated enlightened: "Your vote counts."
We go one step further to say YOUR VOTE IS CRUCIAL.
Government's few, enumerated powers are derived from the People. Our system of government originates from the consent of the governed.
The creation cannot be greater than its creator ...unless you fail to vote.

Vote Often.
Voting is your right. It is your privilege. Voting is the most critical element of a free people.
It is within your power to keep the Republic given to us by our Founding Fathers.
It has been your joy to receive the America handed down by our parents.
It is our DUTY to secure our freedom from tyrants who would steal liberty from the next generation of Americans.
Vote in every election: general election, special election, primary election, run-off election, issue/referendum election.

Vote the Entire Ballot.
Uninformed voters cast ballots for the president.
Visitors to this HCRP webpage enjoy access to the everything you need to be an informed voter and to make informed decisions - all the way down the ballot.
Here, you will find our voter guides for every single election, polling locations, dates and times, useful links to register to vote or to check the status of your current voter registration. We also furnish questionnaires to the candidates and publish their responses. We are committed to provide direct access to the candidates; so if you want to know, call them up!

Vote Republican.
Uninformed voters cast ballots for Democrats and third parties.
Voting for third-party candidates throws away your vote - like you were never even there.
Voting for Democrats throws away your country - like none of us were ever even here.
Make the RIGHT choice. We are here to help.

1. Register to Vote
Many of our Precinct Chairs are certified registrars.

2. Voter Guide for Republicans
Find information about the candidates, assembled from the candidates' own words, from our own observations and analysis, from other trusted sources. Take our concise Voter Guide into the polling place to make your decisions quick and painless.

3. Election Information
Find the election information you need:
+ Places
+ Dates
+ Times